
Snow Day: a chance to get ready

Inspiration Nation starts this Saturday. To be honest, I can't wait (even though unfortunately I can't make the first session). I'll get caught up though don't worry. I have some ideas brewing but nothing solid until I see where everyone wants to take it.

This session we are going to pay particular attention to the recycling and organizing aspect of the materials. It's a good thing because the cleaning up and sorting part of the creative process can be as insightful as any brainstorm. I can hear the echo of BH instructor's, Anthony W, voice... Respect the materials!

Baker Hunt (Thanks Ann D) has graciously allowed us to designate the "fireplace room" as a store for materials. So as you finish up homework, watch some tv, and head out to make some snow angels, take a moment to stroll through the house and look for any recyclables to bring in. Below is a partial list of recommended items and things that just don't work. The general rule is would you let a 5 year old handle and make something with it. With that said, if any object inspires you (and it isn't toxic or dangerous) bring it in and make something cool. Christian and the rest of us are always there to help you figure out how to bring it to life. More details to follow on the store. See you soon -Ann S.

Yes, please bring in:
Paper egg cartons
Brown paper bags
Plastic yogurt and other (such as pickle or pudding) cups
Oatmeal containers
Clear tubing
Entact cardboard food boxes (cereal, spaghetti, tea, macaroni, snack packs, etc.)
Paper tubes (paper towel, tp, wrapping, mail, etc.)
Unwanted toy parts
Interesting plastic pieces (not just box shaped takeout and grocery)
Coffee cans with no sharp edges
Wire (not chicken)
Aluminum foil
Washers and other safe metal parts
Wood dowels
Water based paint
Pipe cleaners, yarn, ribbon, thread, fabric
Plastic caps
Pizza tables
Fake plants
Buttons, bead, felt, cotton balls, pillow stuffing
Paint swatches, battery powered lights
Anything you can buy at a art supply or craft store

No thank you:
Corrugated cardboard or boxes
Plastic bags
Plastic 2 liters
Fast food containers
Milk jugs
Books or magazines (Take to the library)
Whole computers or electronics (usable pieces ok)
Phone books
Anything dangerous or dirty
Anything you want to bring back home later


Inspiration Nation 2008

Will you join us in 2009? Hope you do!
