
live happy and get inspired!

hello inspiration nation'ers, glad to be part of this blog!

i'm gonna dive write in: lately i've been thinkin' a lot about what it means to "live happy". its the mantra that i adopted a few years back when i had the epiphany that happiness is a conscious decision. i believe it now more than ever. with the craziness of the current financial crisis, the absurd political theatre going on, and how this modern world seems to be getting tougher for the average working person; i think its really important for creatives to make the decision to be happy and to generate positive vibes through their work. i understand the old adage that art imitates life and when life is tough its possibly easier to create work that is inline with the negative energy. i know that that may be therapeutic at times, still, i believe that the general public needs to be reminded that life is beautiful and this crazy experiment called consciousness is something to be treasured. we have the opportunity to remind them of that through our work and though it doesn't always seem like it, the positive energy will be returned at some point. i've found that though good karma can get lost out there for awhile, it'll return at some point. many times when you least expect it.

feel free to disagree with any or all of what i just wrote. i think that's what'll make this forum super-interesting. thanks Christian for getting the ball rolling! live happy people!!



Ann said...

Hey Drew,
welcome, glad you could make it.
When's your next show?

drew laplante said...

hi Ann! this is a slow week...show friday from 5-8 in mariemont at the national examplar then sunday in columbus... will have all new shows posted to the show page on drewlaplante.com by the end of the week. thanks so much for asking!
