
Kite Making Fun

A prelude to kite flying in Devou Park in April....

Will it fly?
Kite making get together for family and friends: with recycled materials

Awards for:

* The most unlikely to fly award
* Belongs in a museum
* I'd totally wear that
* Fit for a mouse
* May lift a monster truck
* What in the world?
* And categories decided by you...

Christian will make his famous grill cheese sandwiches...
Dates: 3/15 & 3/29
Time: 1:30-4PM
Place: upstairs meeting room at Kenton County Public Library, Covington
502 Scott St., Covington, KY 41011

Brought to you by:
Art and Co. Recycled Art Supplies
Dumpty's Online Store
Tool Academy

Bring recyclables if you can:
A friend or two...
plastic bags
old tapes
paper bags

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